Rebecca Muenger
I am delighted to have joined DaCapo’s board of trustees. When I visited the Saturday Centre for the first time, I was blown away by the energy and enthusiasm of students, teachers and parents alike. Having now worked closely with Michelle, Jane and the other trustees for a few months, I continue to be inspired by DaCapo’s mission and dedication to provide such incredible music education for young people and adults. It’s clear to me that students’ experiences at DaCapo will benefit them throughout their lives.
Born and raised in Switzerland, music has always played a big part in my family. My Dad is a music teacher and Alphorn player (one of Switzerland’s traditional instruments). At a young age, I took up ballet and played the flute, both of which introduced me to the incredible world of classical music.
I joined DaCapo with a background in marketing, working as the Director of Marketing for The Key, a resource and intelligence service for schools in the UK. My brief here at DaCapo is to help the foundation with its long-term growth and sustainability goals.
As you’ll know, DaCapo is a charity and relies not only on student fees but also on lots of fantastic volunteer work as well as donations. I am very much looking forward to working with the DaCapo community, which includes you, in realising the goals we set for our next chapter of the DaCapo journey. Please look out for information on how you can help us spread the word of DaCapo’s great work in upcoming newsletters and during Saturday Centres.